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Getting Started Pagina 19

file://localhost/E:/Downloads/Nieuwe%20map/Getting%20Started.mht 10/12/2009 11:50:29
Seriously, what I just said is absolutely true . I would even say that without the 3D extrusion
technology would be in a precarious state. Do not believe me? Let's see.
Start with Blender cube we select a face in Edit Mode. It has to do several possibilities:
Selection points
Browse by side
Browse by side
For our case I recommend you choose the latter :
To perform the extrusion (I know I still have not told you what an extrusion but I want to
surprise again) has the command line Mesh / Extrude but I recommend that you give the order
to Blender with key "E". After move the mouse and finish the operation with a click
If this has not stopped with his mouth open and uninstall Blender off, I throw in the towel with
Play with the faces and the choice of extrusion. Do something in this line. Enjoy.

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By now you must start to feel that somehow begins to understand the program and even to
dominate a bit.
At this point I stop to say a few things.
That sense of transparency may be activated with the icon next to faces selection.
You can see the object in several ways, one of them is called Wireframe or wire mesh.
You can choose them in this box:
Getting Started Pagina 21
file://localhost/E:/Downloads/Nieuwe%20map/Getting%20Started.mht 10/12/2009 11:50:29
In the above example is the object from the Object Wireframe Mode.
The most used are the views of Wireframe and Solid . The best way to toggle between them
is the key "Z".
For easy! "" I'll tell you the Add menu and add a new Mesh.
Indeed she is right but in this case I want you to assimilate NOW if adds the new mesh in
Object Mode it will be a separate object of everyone else, but if you add it in Edit Mode the
new mesh is added to that at the time is selected. For example in the following case has
added a bucket when he was in UVesfera Edit Mode:
That means several things:
These two entities have only one center
You can not dispose of them separately in Object Mode for when you want to select the
area to be selected once the cube (and vice versa):

Getting Started Pagina 22

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All the shared properties of one another. Well, actually share nothing, and I repeat: they
are the same mesh.
In the case of wanting to have them separate so we separated. The most affordable method
available to us right now is go to Edit Mode and select at least one vertex of the mesh. Once
selected click the Command Line Mesh / Vertices / Separate or press "P". Blender will ask
the criterion to perform the separation.
In this case we choose All loose parts that would be something like Separate all independent
The inverse , or join meshes, is made from Object Mode. Once selected meshes that want to
unite is the command line Object / Join Objects or merely "J".

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Both in Object Mode and Edit Mode is the command line Select / Select-Deselect All though
I recommend you get used to switch Select and Unselect All with the key "A".
Back to the matter of materials to propose some research into some of the features that you
can give them.
Suppose that the scene still have arisen as a result of our research on joining and separating
mesh. We have two separate but initially were part of the same mesh. If you want to change it
UVesfera material also changes the cube.
Go to the materials and verify that you receive a 2 beside the name of the material. is the
number of objects that are linked to it. If you selected the field and hit that number will be
releasing the material to no longer remain bound and can edit their features without affecting
the other objects.
Now from Object Mode add a plane to the scene and create a composition similar to this (it
has three points of light):

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With that we get a first render like this (more or less)
Select the plane and go to edit your material. We care because we want to picture called
Mirror to acquire the property of reflecting as a mirror
The first is to activate the property or otherwise, the parameters do not apply:
Reflectivity: the mirrors.
Fresnel: a parameter related to the behavior of the material that does not reflect equally.
Fade to Material: non-fading for dye color of the sky (in a while will know this color edit)
Gloss: that the reflection is not too clean and seem unreal (unless it is a mirror)


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