「Six Books of the Commonwealth」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Six Books of the Commonwealth」(2009/03/24 (火) 06:45:08) の最新版変更点



*Six Books of the Commonwealth(国家論) De la République Jean Bodin's most famous work was written in 1576. The ideas in the Six Books of the Commonwealth (Les Six livres de la République) on the importance of climate in the shaping of a people's character also were influential, finding a prominent place in the work of contemporary Italian thinker Giovanni Botero (1544-1617) and later in French philosopher the Baron de Montesquieu's (1689-1755) climatic determinism. Bodin's classical definition of sovereignty is: “la puissance absolue et perpetuelle d’une Republique” (Sovereignty is that absolute and perpetual power vested in a commonwealth). His main ideas about sovereignty are found in chapter VIII and X of Book I. Including his statement "The sovereign Prince is only accountable to God" Reference [[Wikipedia>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Bodin]] Full Text [[SIX BOOKS OF THE COMMONWEALTH by JEAN BODIN>http://www.constitution.org/bodin/bodin_.htm]]

