

英語・仏語に訳した抗議文の倉庫」(2010/09/13 (月) 20:38:02) の最新版変更点



-[[抗議分などの倉庫]] -[[英語・仏語に訳した抗議文の倉庫]] 英語・仏語に訳した抗議文などをストックするためのページです。 また、英語・仏語に堪能な方は翻訳作業を手伝っていただけるとありがたいです。 ---- 【Japanese:日本語原文】 F1日本GP 富士スピードウェイ開催反対 トヨタはF1を鈴鹿に返せ! レースに間に合わない人多数、鋪装されていないバスターミナル 雨と霧の中、野外でバス待ち6時間(空きバスがあるにも関わらず) 多くの人がバス待ち中に倒れ救急車が何台も駆けつける始末 トヨタ社員・VIPのバスのみ優先的に退出 行列の最後尾が判らなくなり現場大混乱、圧倒的に少ない誘導係員 横断幕、応援旗等を禁止にも関わらず、トヨタ巨大応援旗だけ掲げる レースが見れない61,000円C指定席 ぼったくりの弁当価格、1,000円カレー 、中には1万円弁当まで 自販機 鈴鹿120円 富士200円 トヨタの2台、国歌斉唱中にエンジン起動、爆音が国歌をかき消す 観客がまだ多数残っているのに、定時の18:00時で救護所閉鎖 上記の観客を無視した運営に抗議し、富士でのF1開催に反対します! □今後私は、F1日本GPが富士で開催される限り、 トヨタ車を絶対に購入しません。親戚知人がトヨタ車を購入 しようとしていたら、他社の車の購入を強く勧めます。 署名: (翻訳ありがとうございます) 【English:英訳】 Opposition to the holding of the Japanese Grand Prix of F1 at Fuji International Speedway organized by Toyota. Toyota shall give the right for F1 back to Suzuka ! ・Many visitors could not be on time due to shuttle bus delays; ・Bus terminals were maintained poorly; ・Visitors had to wait 6 hours under cold rain and fog for shuttle busses ・Rescue crews had to take care of visitors who fell one after another while waiting for the shuttle busses; ・Priorities were given only to those shuttle busses carrying Toyota employees and VIPs; ・Nobody was aware where the queue of people waiting for the shuttle bus ended, and there were only a few attendants who could take care of the mess; ・Only Toyota was allowed to raise flags and banners although this was generally prohibited; ・61,000 Yen C-class reserved seats from which cars could not be seen due to design error of the seats; ・Two Toyota vehicles started their engines during the singing of the national anthem, which was drowned out by the loud noise of these engines; ・First-aid-stations were closed punctual at 6 p.m. although many visitors were still remaining. We are very angry about the terribly poor operation and strongly oppose the holding of the Japanese Grand Prix at Fuji.I will not purchase any Toyota vehicles as long as the Japanese Grand Prix of F1 will be held at Fuji in the future. In case my relatives or acquaintances are planning to purchase Toyota vehicles, I will strongly recommend them to buy vehicles of other car manufacturers. Signature 【German:独訳】 Wir sind gegen die Austragung des F1 Grand Prix in Fuji International Speedway. Toyota solle seine Austragungsrechte für F1 dem Suzuka zurückgeben ! •Wegen Verspätung der Pendelbusse konnten viele Besucher den Austragungsort nicht rechtzeitig erreichen; •Bushaltestellen waren mangelhaft gepflastert; •Viele Besucher mußten 6 Stunden lang im Regen und Nebel auf die Pendelbusse warten, obwohl genügend Busse zur Verfügung stand; •Rettungsmannschaften mußten um Besucher kümmern, die umfielen während sie auf die Pendelbusse warteten; •Es wurden Pendelbusse vorzüglich behandelt, die Toyota-Angestellten und VIPs transportierten; •An den Bushaltestellen wußte Niemand mehr Bescheid, wo die Warteschlange endete, da die Zahl der Sicherheitskräfte nicht genügte, um das Chaos zu bewältigen; •Toyota war zugelassen, ihre Fahnen und Flaggen zu hissen, obwohl es generell verboten war; •Aufgrund des Planungsfehlers konnte man von den 61,000 Yen teueren Plätze der C-Klasse kaum vom Rennen mitbekommen; •Während des Gesangs der Nationalhyme ließen zwei Toyota-Maschinen ihre Motoren hochjagen, so daß die Nationalhymne von dem Lärm der Motoren übertönt wurde; •Unfallstationen wurden pünktlich um 6 Uhr geschlossen, obwohl noch viele Besucher sich am Austragungsort befanden. Wir sind sehr aufgebracht über das mangelhafte Management und sind absolut gegen die Austragung des F1 Grand Prix in Fuji International Speedway.Hiermit bestätige ich, daß ich keine Toyota-Fahrzeuge kaufen werde, solange der F1 Grand Prix in Fuji International Speedway ausgetragen wird. Auch bestätige ich, daß ich meinen Verwandten und Freunden empfehlen werde, Fahrzeuge anderer Hersteller zu kaufen, falls sie den Kauf von Toyota-Fahrzeugen planen. Unterschrift ---- 483 名前:音速の名無しさん メェル:sage 投稿日:2007/10/12(金) 06:30:45 ID:GFQEcYqt0 まとめサイトにうちから書けない Cher M. Jonathan N***, Je m’appelle ****. Il n’y a aucun relation entre ma profession et Formule 1, mais je suis int?ress? au Grand Prix depuis quand je suis all? au Suzuka il y a dix ans. Laisser-moi vous expliquer ce qui s’est pass? sur les spectateurs ? Fuji (?a ne veut pas dire les journalistes, ni les invit?s des ?quipes non plus). Parce que je ne sens pas que votre article dessous est bien juste. >The journey into the track was trouble-free and well organised most of the weekend En fait, je n’?tais pas ? Fuji cet ann?e, mais on m’a dit que l’administration de cette ?v?nement avait ?t? le plus mauvais. Plus de 20 mille spectateurs avaient du attendre les autobus sous la pluie froide, sans toit, pour 3-4 heures apr?s les s?ries samadi. Ils n’avaient pas aucune possibilit? ? cause de la restriction qui leur interdit les autre acc?s comme en la voiture priv?e, ? pied. On nous a annonc? que 85 spectateurs ne aient pas pu arriver au circuit avant le d?part car le retard de l’autobus, et Fuji Speedway leur remboursera de ses d?penses. Mais, je crois que plus de personnes avaient d? avoir la m?me problem. Au minimum, beaucoup du monde a d? renoncer ? y venir dimanche parce qu’ils aient ?t? pris de la fi?vre sous la pluie samedi. Je souhaite que TOYOTA, qui a Fuji Speedway, soit plus gentil pour les spectateurs l’ann?e prochaine et que vous ?criviez l’article pr?cis. Respectueusement, 484 名前:音速の名無しさん メェル:sage 投稿日:2007/10/12(金) 06:34:41 ID:GFQEcYqt0 汎用。 Je m’appelle ****. Laisser-moi vous expliquer ce qui s’est pass? sur les spectateurs ? Fuji (?a ne veut pas dire les journalistes, ni les invit?s des ?quipes non plus). En fait, je n’?tais pas ? Fuji cet ann?e, mais on m’a dit que l’administration de cette ?v?nement avait ?t? le plus mauvais. Plus de 20 mille spectateurs avaient du attendre les autobus sous la pluie froide, sans toit, pour 3-4 heures apr?s les s?ries samadi. Ils n’avaient pas aucune possibilit? ? cause de la restriction qui leur interdit les autre acc?s comme en la voiture priv?e, ? pied. On nous a annonc? que 85 spectateurs ne aient pas pu arriver au circuit avant le d?part car le retard de l’autobus, et Fuji Speedway leur remboursera de ses d?penses. Mais, je crois que plus de personnes avaient d? avoir la m?me problem. Au minimum, beaucoup du monde a d? renoncer ? y venir dimanche parce qu’ils aient ?t? pris de la fi?vre sous la pluie samedi. Je souhaite que TOYOTA, qui a Fuji Speedway, soit plus gentil pour les spectateurs l’ann?e prochaine. Respectueusement, (838さんの翻訳) ちょっと腹がたったので、抗議の手紙を書いてみたが、 どこに送っていいのかわからずw わかった人教えて。 ほんとはなぜバスが来なかったかも書かないと、なんだろうけど、そこまで語学力がない。 英文もどこか間違ってる自信はあるw http://www.autosport.com/news/grapevine.php/id/62910 Dear Mr. Jonathan Noble, My name is(略). I have nothing with Formula 1 as my job, but I have been to Suzuka about 10 years ago, and still interested in Grand Prix. Please let me know you what happened to the fans in Fuji (not journalist, guest of team, and so son), because I felt your writing below is not pretty fair. > The journey into the track was trouble-free and well organised most of the weekend; Actually I have not been to Fuji this year, but I heard the operation was really bad, over 20 thousand people had to wait for shuttle bus under the cold rain, with no roof, over 3 or 4 hours after the trial on Saturday. (Using their own cars and walking were prohibited, shuttle bus only) It is reported that on the Sunday, 85 people missed the start for the delay of the bus, and Fuji Speedway would repay for that. But I'm afraid more people had to suffer same thing. At least, many people had to give up to come on Sunday after they got fever on Saturday night while they were waiting for bus. I hope TOYOTA, the owner of Fuji Speedway, would be more kind to the fans in the next year and hope you to provide precise report. Regards, (原文) ノーブルさま 私は(名前、職業)と申します。 F1関係の仕事ではありませんが、10年ぐらい前に鈴鹿には行ったことがあり、今も興味を持っています。 あなたの以下の記述は正しくないと思い、実際に富士の観客に起こったことを知ってほしくて、このメールをお送りしています。 >サーキットへの道はトラブルもなく、おおむねとてもよく運営されていた。 私は今年の富士には行っていませんが、運営は最悪だったと聞いています。 土曜日には冷たい雨の中、2万人以上の観客が3、4時間以上、バスを待たなければなりませんでした(屋根はありませんでした)。 (観客自身の車や徒歩は禁じられており、シャトルバスのみ利用可能でした)。 日曜日には85人の観客がスタートに間に合わず、返金されると報道されていますが、私は、同様の人がもっといたのではないかと思っています。 さらには土曜日にバスを待っている間、熱を出してしまい、日曜日に来るのをあきらめた人も相当数いたようです。 来年には富士のオーナーであるトヨタがファンにもっと優しくなるように、またあなたが正確な記事を配信してくださることを期待しています。 ---- F1日本グランプリ2007を開催した富士スピードウエー/トヨタの運営の不手際に対し強い憤りを感じ、現地の状況を、出来うる限り記録しようとする試みのサイトです。ふざけた運営の富士とトヨタはとっととF1開催権を返上し、来年から鈴鹿開催に戻してください! 少なくとも今回の富士開催で、&bold(){トヨタの企業イメージはモータースポーツファンのみならず『一般人にとっても』悪いものになりました}、膨大な金額を投じたにもかかわらずです。トヨタはこれ以上モータースポーツに首を突っ込まず、&bold(){身の程に応じたカローラでも作っていなさい}。それがお互いのためです。 Sorry, most of articles in this site are written in Japanese. But some English articles, many photo and video will tell you the real situation. We want all the people in the world to know. We are very angry about terribly poor operation in F1 JAPAN GP organized by Fuji Speedway and TOYOTA, and trying to gather records "What a hell the audiences really met there?" on this site, as much as we can. FSW & TOYOTA are ineligible to organize F1 GP, and should give the right back to Suzuka now. The poor operation hurt TOYOTA's brand image not only in motorsports fans' mind but also in ordinary people's. Even though they spend a lot of money to hold this big event. TOYOTA should stop every motorsports activity, know their place, and just manufacture Corolla. That's the only way for TOYOTA and us to be happy. ---- (語学ヲタクさんご提供) 「急病人がいるのに18:00時で観客用の救護所閉めやがった」 The first-aid station for the audience at FSW was not available after 6:00 p.m. while some patients suffering from sudden illnesses were waiting for help. ---- http://f1.gpupdate.net/ja/news/2007/10/01/169377/ 477 名前:音速の名無しさん 投稿日:2007/10/02(火) 18:22:05 ID:meRCL0b40 この記事英訳してみたんだけど(かなり意訳っぽいけど)、どうかな。 誰か添削してくれれば、どこかのサイトに載せてこの惨状を世界に伝えたい。 もしこれが役に立つなら、ブログとか掲示板とかも英訳したい。 改訂版。 The Japanese Grand Prix, held in Fuji "TOYOTA" SpeedWay, was woolly management outside the circuit. Organizers determined to repay some galleries since their reserved seats did not provide the view they expected. This is caused by the fact that their stand did not have enough slope to see the entire course below. Total amount of repay will be 350 million yen (3 million US dollars). More serious problem was a transport between parkings and the circuit. Because of the kink of the road maintenance, many of the galleries were water-bound in the circuit around 2 to 5 hours after the qualification in 29th. In addition to the road maintenance problem, organizers took particular note of traffics for VIPs and presses. This preferential treatment led much further jams in the shuttle bus for publics. At the final held in 30th, some galleries could not reach the circuit until the start due to the traffic jam of their shuttle bus. After the completion of the final, the jams were again happened in the return road. Despite 5 hours were passed from the finish, there were more than 100 people at the circuit in the cold environment without any kind of official support. These bungles will lead organizers to difficult situation. ---- hogeさんご提供 Please let me tell you what actually happened to the fans at Fuji (I mean ordinary fansm not journalist nor team-guests), as I felt your writing below is not pretty fair. As you know TOYOTA is spending a lot of money for advertisement and Japanese media can say almost nothing against them. I really wish you, as a global media, will report this disaster we saw at Fuji speedway. ---- 436 名前:音速の名無しさん 投稿日:2007/10/09(火) 00:14:30 ID:RA6eyPoi0 >>52 Yahooで翻訳してこんなん送ってみた It was the worst for the person who went for a circuit The administration allows to raise only a flag of Toyota prohibiting a flag or a two-pole banner for the general visitor It seems that this takes pleasure of the F1 away from a general visitor In addition, I did not see a car at all in some seats It takes five hours to come out of a circuit after the race end. It rains, and I am kept waiting while it is cold It is had priority over a general visitor, and the person concerned of Toyota leaves than a circuit This disgraceful affair is not readily reported for a sponsor Toyota in Japan Please handle it greatly in the overseas media ---- 翻訳した抗議文は、こちらのコメントから書き込んでいただけるとありがたいです。 - Please let me tell you what actually happened to the fans at Fuji (I mean ordinary fansm not journalist nor team-guests), as I felt your writing below is not pretty fair. -- 改良かも? (2007-10-07 15:46:54) - ひとこと追加-As you know TOYOTA is spending a lot of money for advertisement and Japanese media can say almost nothing against them. I really wish you, as a global media, will report this disaster we saw at Fuji speedway. -- hoge (2007-10-07 23:52:14) - We are very angry about terribly poor operation in F1 JAPAN GP organized by Fuji Speedway and TOYOTA, and trying to gather records &quot;What a hell the audiences really met there?&quot; on this site, as much as we can. FSW & TOYOTA are ineligible to organize F1 GP, and should give the right back to Suzuka now. -- トップに置いてた文章 (2007-10-10 23:41:22) - The poor operation hurt TOYOTA's brand image not only in motorsports fans' mind but also in ordinary people's. Even though they spend a lot of money to hold this big event. -- トップ(ry その2 (2007-10-10 23:42:08) - こういう「罵声」はトップに置くには相応しくないと思いますが、一応。 TOYOTA should stop every motorsports activity, know their place, and just manufacture Corolla. That's the only way for TOYOTA and us to be happy. -- トップ(ry その3 (2007-10-10 23:44:14) - 英語圏の人に見てもらうための、トップ用の文章。 Sorry, most of articles in this site are written in Japanese. But some English articles, many photo and video will tell you the real situation. We want all the people in the world to know. -- トップ用のおまけ (2007-10-10 23:52:25) - TOPの文の翻訳ありがとうございます!さっそく反映させていただきました! -- 管理人 (2007-10-11 02:44:15) - どういたしまして。反映ありがとうございます。ところで We are very angry ~ もトップの訳の一部(「F1日本グランプリ2007を開催した富士スピードウエー/トヨタの運営の不手際に対し強い憤りを感じ~」に対応)なのですが。。。 -- トップ(ry (2007-10-11 12:52:07) - 英語の抗議文です。F1弁当、自販機の件は、海外の人には伝わりにくいかも&純粋に運営のお粗末さに抗議するために、入れていません。Opposition to the holding of the Japanese Grand Prix of F1 organized by Fuji International Speedway and Toyota. -- 英訳 (2007-10-24 10:53:57) - Toyota shall give the right for F1 back to Suzuka ! -- 英訳つづき (2007-10-24 10:54:27) - ・Many visitors could not be on time due to shuttle bus delays; ・Bus terminals were maintained poorly; ・Visitors had to wait 6 hours under cold rain and fog for shuttle busses; ・Rescue crews had to take care of visitors who fell one after another while waiting for the shuttle busses; ・Priorities were given only to those shuttle busses carrying Toyota employees and VIPs; ・Nobody was aware where the queue of people waiting for the shuttle bus ended, and there were only a few attendants who could take care of the mess; ・Only Toyota was allowed to raise flags and banners although this was generally prohibited; ・61,000 Yen C-class reserved seats from which cars could not be seen due to design error of the seats; ・Two Toyota vehicles started their engines during the singing of the national anthem, which was drowned out by the loud noise of these engines; ・First-aid-stations were closed punctual at 6 p.m. although many visitors were still remaining. We are very angry about the terribly poor operation and strongly oppose the holding of the Japanese Grand Prix at Fuji.I will not purchase any Toyota vehicles as long as the Japanese Grand Prix of F1 will be held at Fuji in the future. In case my relatives or acquaintances are planning to purchase Toyota vehicles, I will strongly recommend them to buy vehicles of other car manufacturers. Signature コメントだと改行できなかったので、適当に改行してください -- 英訳つづき (2007-10-24 10:55:23) - 抗議文の冒頭、少し訂正。Opposition to the holding of the Japanese Grand Prix of F1 at Fuji International Speedway organized by Toyota. -- 英訳ちょっと訂正 (2007-10-25 23:11:29) - Wir sind gegen die Austragung des F1 Grand Prix in Fuji International Speedway.Toyota solle seine Austragungsrechte für F1 dem Suzuka zurückgeben ! -- 独訳 (2007-10-25 23:14:13) - •Wegen Verspätung der Pendelbusse konnten viele Besucher den Austragungsort nicht rechtzeitig erreichen; •Bushaltestellen waren mangelhaft gepflastert; -- 独訳つづき (2007-10-25 23:14:36) - 改行いれてたんで、切れました。つづき。•Viele Besucher mußten 6 Stunden lang im Regen und Nebel auf die Pendelbusse warten, obwohl genügend Busse zur Verfügung stand; •Rettungsmannschaften mußten um Besucher kümmern, die umfielen während sie auf die Pendelbusse warteten; •Es wurden Pendelbusse vorzüglich behandelt, die Toyota-Angestellten und VIPs transportierten; •An den Bushaltestellen wußte Niemand mehr Bescheid, wo die Warteschlange endete, da die Zahl der Sicherheitskräfte nicht genügte, um das Chaos zu bewältigen; •Toyota war zugelassen, ihre Fahnen und Flaggen zu hissen, obwohl es generell verboten war; •Aufgrund des Planungsfehlers konnte man von den 61,000 Yen teueren Plätze der C-Klasse kaum vom Rennen mitbekommen; •Während des Gesangs der Nationalhyme ließen zwei Toyota-Maschinen ihre Motoren hochjagen, so daß die Nationalhymne von dem Lärm der Motoren übertönt wurde;•Unfallstationen wurden pünktlich um 6 Uhr geschlossen, obwohl noch viele Besucher sich am Austragungsort befanden. -- 独訳つづき (2007-10-25 23:15:26) - Wir sind sehr aufgebracht über das mangelhafte Management und sind absolut gegen die Austragung des F1 Grand Prix in Fuji International Speedway.Hiermit bestätige ich, daß ich keine Toyota-Fahrzeuge kaufen werde, solange der F1 Grand Prix in Fuji International Speedway ausgetragen wird. Auch bestätige ich, daß ich meinen Verwandten und Freunden empfehlen werde, Fahrzeuge anderer Hersteller zu kaufen, falls sie den Kauf von Toyota-Fahrzeugen planen. Unterschrift -- 独訳最後 (2007-10-25 23:15:46) - みなさん、翻訳ありがとうございます。ちょっと今忙しいので今週末にまとめてアップさせていただきます。感謝。 -- 管理人 (2007-10-26 00:25:23) #comment -[[抗議分などの倉庫]] -[[英語・仏語に訳した抗議文の倉庫]] #html2(){{{{{{ <!--Infoseek Analyzer start--> <script src="http://js6.infoseek.co.jp/bin/88/25070.js"></script> <noscript><a href="http://ax6.www.infoseek.co.jp/bin/go?2507088" target="_blank"> <img src="http://ax6.www.infoseek.co.jp/bin/logo?2507088" border=0></a></noscript> <!--Infoseek Analyzer end--> }}}}}}
-[[抗議分などの倉庫]] -[[英語・仏語に訳した抗議文の倉庫]] 英語・仏語に訳した抗議文などをストックするためのページです。 また、英語・仏語に堪能な方は翻訳作業を手伝っていただけるとありがたいです。 ---- 【Japanese:日本語原文】 F1日本GP 富士スピードウェイ開催反対 トヨタはF1を鈴鹿に返せ! レースに間に合わない人多数、鋪装されていないバスターミナル 雨と霧の中、野外でバス待ち6時間(空きバスがあるにも関わらず) 多くの人がバス待ち中に倒れ救急車が何台も駆けつける始末 トヨタ社員・VIPのバスのみ優先的に退出 行列の最後尾が判らなくなり現場大混乱、圧倒的に少ない誘導係員 横断幕、応援旗等を禁止にも関わらず、トヨタ巨大応援旗だけ掲げる レースが見れない61,000円C指定席 ぼったくりの弁当価格、1,000円カレー 、中には1万円弁当まで 自販機 鈴鹿120円 富士200円 トヨタの2台、国歌斉唱中にエンジン起動、爆音が国歌をかき消す 観客がまだ多数残っているのに、定時の18:00時で救護所閉鎖 上記の観客を無視した運営に抗議し、富士でのF1開催に反対します! □今後私は、F1日本GPが富士で開催される限り、 トヨタ車を絶対に購入しません。親戚知人がトヨタ車を購入 しようとしていたら、他社の車の購入を強く勧めます。 署名: (翻訳ありがとうございます) 【English:英訳】 Opposition to the holding of the Japanese Grand Prix of F1 at Fuji International Speedway organized by Toyota. Toyota shall give the right for F1 back to Suzuka ! ・Many visitors could not be on time due to shuttle bus delays; ・Bus terminals were maintained poorly; ・Visitors had to wait 6 hours under cold rain and fog for shuttle busses ・Rescue crews had to take care of visitors who fell one after another while waiting for the shuttle busses; ・Priorities were given only to those shuttle busses carrying Toyota employees and VIPs; ・Nobody was aware where the queue of people waiting for the shuttle bus ended, and there were only a few attendants who could take care of the mess; ・Only Toyota was allowed to raise flags and banners although this was generally prohibited; ・61,000 Yen C-class reserved seats from which cars could not be seen due to design error of the seats; ・Two Toyota vehicles started their engines during the singing of the national anthem, which was drowned out by the loud noise of these engines; ・First-aid-stations were closed punctual at 6 p.m. although many visitors were still remaining. We are very angry about the terribly poor operation and strongly oppose the holding of the Japanese Grand Prix at Fuji.I will not purchase any Toyota vehicles as long as the Japanese Grand Prix of F1 will be held at Fuji in the future. In case my relatives or acquaintances are planning to purchase Toyota vehicles, I will strongly recommend them to buy vehicles of other car manufacturers. Signature 【German:独訳】 Wir sind gegen die Austragung des F1 Grand Prix in Fuji International Speedway. Toyota solle seine Austragungsrechte für F1 dem Suzuka zurückgeben ! •Wegen Verspätung der Pendelbusse konnten viele Besucher den Austragungsort nicht rechtzeitig erreichen; •Bushaltestellen waren mangelhaft gepflastert; •Viele Besucher mußten 6 Stunden lang im Regen und Nebel auf die Pendelbusse warten, obwohl genügend Busse zur Verfügung stand; •Rettungsmannschaften mußten um Besucher kümmern, die umfielen während sie auf die Pendelbusse warteten; •Es wurden Pendelbusse vorzüglich behandelt, die Toyota-Angestellten und VIPs transportierten; •An den Bushaltestellen wußte Niemand mehr Bescheid, wo die Warteschlange endete, da die Zahl der Sicherheitskräfte nicht genügte, um das Chaos zu bewältigen; •Toyota war zugelassen, ihre Fahnen und Flaggen zu hissen, obwohl es generell verboten war; •Aufgrund des Planungsfehlers konnte man von den 61,000 Yen teueren Plätze der C-Klasse kaum vom Rennen mitbekommen; •Während des Gesangs der Nationalhyme ließen zwei Toyota-Maschinen ihre Motoren hochjagen, so daß die Nationalhymne von dem Lärm der Motoren übertönt wurde; •Unfallstationen wurden pünktlich um 6 Uhr geschlossen, obwohl noch viele Besucher sich am Austragungsort befanden. Wir sind sehr aufgebracht über das mangelhafte Management und sind absolut gegen die Austragung des F1 Grand Prix in Fuji International Speedway.Hiermit bestätige ich, daß ich keine Toyota-Fahrzeuge kaufen werde, solange der F1 Grand Prix in Fuji International Speedway ausgetragen wird. Auch bestätige ich, daß ich meinen Verwandten und Freunden empfehlen werde, Fahrzeuge anderer Hersteller zu kaufen, falls sie den Kauf von Toyota-Fahrzeugen planen. Unterschrift ---- 483 名前:音速の名無しさん メェル:sage 投稿日:2007/10/12(金) 06:30:45 ID:GFQEcYqt0 まとめサイトにうちから書けない Cher M. Jonathan N***, Je m’appelle ****. Il n’y a aucun relation entre ma profession et Formule 1, mais je suis int?ress? au Grand Prix depuis quand je suis all? au Suzuka il y a dix ans. Laisser-moi vous expliquer ce qui s’est pass? sur les spectateurs ? Fuji (?a ne veut pas dire les journalistes, ni les invit?s des ?quipes non plus). Parce que je ne sens pas que votre article dessous est bien juste. >The journey into the track was trouble-free and well organised most of the weekend En fait, je n’?tais pas ? Fuji cet ann?e, mais on m’a dit que l’administration de cette ?v?nement avait ?t? le plus mauvais. Plus de 20 mille spectateurs avaient du attendre les autobus sous la pluie froide, sans toit, pour 3-4 heures apr?s les s?ries samadi. Ils n’avaient pas aucune possibilit? ? cause de la restriction qui leur interdit les autre acc?s comme en la voiture priv?e, ? pied. On nous a annonc? que 85 spectateurs ne aient pas pu arriver au circuit avant le d?part car le retard de l’autobus, et Fuji Speedway leur remboursera de ses d?penses. Mais, je crois que plus de personnes avaient d? avoir la m?me problem. Au minimum, beaucoup du monde a d? renoncer ? y venir dimanche parce qu’ils aient ?t? pris de la fi?vre sous la pluie samedi. Je souhaite que TOYOTA, qui a Fuji Speedway, soit plus gentil pour les spectateurs l’ann?e prochaine et que vous ?criviez l’article pr?cis. Respectueusement, 484 名前:音速の名無しさん メェル:sage 投稿日:2007/10/12(金) 06:34:41 ID:GFQEcYqt0 汎用。 Je m’appelle ****. Laisser-moi vous expliquer ce qui s’est pass? sur les spectateurs ? Fuji (?a ne veut pas dire les journalistes, ni les invit?s des ?quipes non plus). En fait, je n’?tais pas ? Fuji cet ann?e, mais on m’a dit que l’administration de cette ?v?nement avait ?t? le plus mauvais. Plus de 20 mille spectateurs avaient du attendre les autobus sous la pluie froide, sans toit, pour 3-4 heures apr?s les s?ries samadi. Ils n’avaient pas aucune possibilit? ? cause de la restriction qui leur interdit les autre acc?s comme en la voiture priv?e, ? pied. On nous a annonc? que 85 spectateurs ne aient pas pu arriver au circuit avant le d?part car le retard de l’autobus, et Fuji Speedway leur remboursera de ses d?penses. Mais, je crois que plus de personnes avaient d? avoir la m?me problem. Au minimum, beaucoup du monde a d? renoncer ? y venir dimanche parce qu’ils aient ?t? pris de la fi?vre sous la pluie samedi. Je souhaite que TOYOTA, qui a Fuji Speedway, soit plus gentil pour les spectateurs l’ann?e prochaine. Respectueusement, (838さんの翻訳) ちょっと腹がたったので、抗議の手紙を書いてみたが、 どこに送っていいのかわからずw わかった人教えて。 ほんとはなぜバスが来なかったかも書かないと、なんだろうけど、そこまで語学力がない。 英文もどこか間違ってる自信はあるw http://www.autosport.com/news/grapevine.php/id/62910 Dear Mr. Jonathan Noble, My name is(略). I have nothing with Formula 1 as my job, but I have been to Suzuka about 10 years ago, and still interested in Grand Prix. Please let me know you what happened to the fans in Fuji (not journalist, guest of team, and so son), because I felt your writing below is not pretty fair. > The journey into the track was trouble-free and well organised most of the weekend; Actually I have not been to Fuji this year, but I heard the operation was really bad, over 20 thousand people had to wait for shuttle bus under the cold rain, with no roof, over 3 or 4 hours after the trial on Saturday. (Using their own cars and walking were prohibited, shuttle bus only) It is reported that on the Sunday, 85 people missed the start for the delay of the bus, and Fuji Speedway would repay for that. But I'm afraid more people had to suffer same thing. At least, many people had to give up to come on Sunday after they got fever on Saturday night while they were waiting for bus. I hope TOYOTA, the owner of Fuji Speedway, would be more kind to the fans in the next year and hope you to provide precise report. Regards, (原文) ノーブルさま 私は(名前、職業)と申します。 F1関係の仕事ではありませんが、10年ぐらい前に鈴鹿には行ったことがあり、今も興味を持っています。 あなたの以下の記述は正しくないと思い、実際に富士の観客に起こったことを知ってほしくて、このメールをお送りしています。 >サーキットへの道はトラブルもなく、おおむねとてもよく運営されていた。 私は今年の富士には行っていませんが、運営は最悪だったと聞いています。 土曜日には冷たい雨の中、2万人以上の観客が3、4時間以上、バスを待たなければなりませんでした(屋根はありませんでした)。 (観客自身の車や徒歩は禁じられており、シャトルバスのみ利用可能でした)。 日曜日には85人の観客がスタートに間に合わず、返金されると報道されていますが、私は、同様の人がもっといたのではないかと思っています。 さらには土曜日にバスを待っている間、熱を出してしまい、日曜日に来るのをあきらめた人も相当数いたようです。 来年には富士のオーナーであるトヨタがファンにもっと優しくなるように、またあなたが正確な記事を配信してくださることを期待しています。 ---- F1日本グランプリ2007を開催した富士スピードウエー/トヨタの運営の不手際に対し強い憤りを感じ、現地の状況を、出来うる限り記録しようとする試みのサイトです。ふざけた運営の富士とトヨタはとっととF1開催権を返上し、来年から鈴鹿開催に戻してください! 少なくとも今回の富士開催で、&bold(){トヨタの企業イメージはモータースポーツファンのみならず『一般人にとっても』悪いものになりました}、膨大な金額を投じたにもかかわらずです。トヨタはこれ以上モータースポーツに首を突っ込まず、&bold(){身の程に応じたカローラでも作っていなさい}。それがお互いのためです。 Sorry, most of articles in this site are written in Japanese. But some English articles, many photo and video will tell you the real situation. We want all the people in the world to know. We are very angry about terribly poor operation in F1 JAPAN GP organized by Fuji Speedway and TOYOTA, and trying to gather records "What a hell the audiences really met there?" on this site, as much as we can. FSW & TOYOTA are ineligible to organize F1 GP, and should give the right back to Suzuka now. The poor operation hurt TOYOTA's brand image not only in motorsports fans' mind but also in ordinary people's. Even though they spend a lot of money to hold this big event. TOYOTA should stop every motorsports activity, know their place, and just manufacture Corolla. That's the only way for TOYOTA and us to be happy. ---- (語学ヲタクさんご提供) 「急病人がいるのに18:00時で観客用の救護所閉めやがった」 The first-aid station for the audience at FSW was not available after 6:00 p.m. while some patients suffering from sudden illnesses were waiting for help. ---- http://f1.gpupdate.net/ja/news/2007/10/01/169377/ 477 名前:音速の名無しさん 投稿日:2007/10/02(火) 18:22:05 ID:meRCL0b40 この記事英訳してみたんだけど(かなり意訳っぽいけど)、どうかな。 誰か添削してくれれば、どこかのサイトに載せてこの惨状を世界に伝えたい。 もしこれが役に立つなら、ブログとか掲示板とかも英訳したい。 改訂版。 The Japanese Grand Prix, held in Fuji "TOYOTA" SpeedWay, was woolly management outside the circuit. Organizers determined to repay some galleries since their reserved seats did not provide the view they expected. This is caused by the fact that their stand did not have enough slope to see the entire course below. Total amount of repay will be 350 million yen (3 million US dollars). More serious problem was a transport between parkings and the circuit. Because of the kink of the road maintenance, many of the galleries were water-bound in the circuit around 2 to 5 hours after the qualification in 29th. In addition to the road maintenance problem, organizers took particular note of traffics for VIPs and presses. This preferential treatment led much further jams in the shuttle bus for publics. At the final held in 30th, some galleries could not reach the circuit until the start due to the traffic jam of their shuttle bus. After the completion of the final, the jams were again happened in the return road. Despite 5 hours were passed from the finish, there were more than 100 people at the circuit in the cold environment without any kind of official support. These bungles will lead organizers to difficult situation. ---- hogeさんご提供 Please let me tell you what actually happened to the fans at Fuji (I mean ordinary fansm not journalist nor team-guests), as I felt your writing below is not pretty fair. As you know TOYOTA is spending a lot of money for advertisement and Japanese media can say almost nothing against them. I really wish you, as a global media, will report this disaster we saw at Fuji speedway. ---- 436 名前:音速の名無しさん 投稿日:2007/10/09(火) 00:14:30 ID:RA6eyPoi0 >>52 Yahooで翻訳してこんなん送ってみた It was the worst for the person who went for a circuit The administration allows to raise only a flag of Toyota prohibiting a flag or a two-pole banner for the general visitor It seems that this takes pleasure of the F1 away from a general visitor In addition, I did not see a car at all in some seats It takes five hours to come out of a circuit after the race end. It rains, and I am kept waiting while it is cold It is had priority over a general visitor, and the person concerned of Toyota leaves than a circuit This disgraceful affair is not readily reported for a sponsor Toyota in Japan Please handle it greatly in the overseas media ---- 翻訳した抗議文は、こちらのコメントから書き込んでいただけるとありがたいです。 - Please let me tell you what actually happened to the fans at Fuji (I mean ordinary fansm not journalist nor team-guests), as I felt your writing below is not pretty fair. -- 改良かも? (2007-10-07 15:46:54) - ひとこと追加-As you know TOYOTA is spending a lot of money for advertisement and Japanese media can say almost nothing against them. I really wish you, as a global media, will report this disaster we saw at Fuji speedway. -- hoge (2007-10-07 23:52:14) - We are very angry about terribly poor operation in F1 JAPAN GP organized by Fuji Speedway and TOYOTA, and trying to gather records &quot;What a hell the audiences really met there?&quot; on this site, as much as we can. FSW & TOYOTA are ineligible to organize F1 GP, and should give the right back to Suzuka now. -- トップに置いてた文章 (2007-10-10 23:41:22) - The poor operation hurt TOYOTA's brand image not only in motorsports fans' mind but also in ordinary people's. Even though they spend a lot of money to hold this big event. -- トップ(ry その2 (2007-10-10 23:42:08) - こういう「罵声」はトップに置くには相応しくないと思いますが、一応。 TOYOTA should stop every motorsports activity, know their place, and just manufacture Corolla. That's the only way for TOYOTA and us to be happy. -- トップ(ry その3 (2007-10-10 23:44:14) - 英語圏の人に見てもらうための、トップ用の文章。 Sorry, most of articles in this site are written in Japanese. But some English articles, many photo and video will tell you the real situation. We want all the people in the world to know. -- トップ用のおまけ (2007-10-10 23:52:25) - TOPの文の翻訳ありがとうございます!さっそく反映させていただきました! -- 管理人 (2007-10-11 02:44:15) - どういたしまして。反映ありがとうございます。ところで We are very angry ~ もトップの訳の一部(「F1日本グランプリ2007を開催した富士スピードウエー/トヨタの運営の不手際に対し強い憤りを感じ~」に対応)なのですが。。。 -- トップ(ry (2007-10-11 12:52:07) - 英語の抗議文です。F1弁当、自販機の件は、海外の人には伝わりにくいかも&純粋に運営のお粗末さに抗議するために、入れていません。Opposition to the holding of the Japanese Grand Prix of F1 organized by Fuji International Speedway and Toyota. -- 英訳 (2007-10-24 10:53:57) - Toyota shall give the right for F1 back to Suzuka ! -- 英訳つづき (2007-10-24 10:54:27) - ・Many visitors could not be on time due to shuttle bus delays; ・Bus terminals were maintained poorly; ・Visitors had to wait 6 hours under cold rain and fog for shuttle busses; ・Rescue crews had to take care of visitors who fell one after another while waiting for the shuttle busses; ・Priorities were given only to those shuttle busses carrying Toyota employees and VIPs; ・Nobody was aware where the queue of people waiting for the shuttle bus ended, and there were only a few attendants who could take care of the mess; ・Only Toyota was allowed to raise flags and banners although this was generally prohibited; ・61,000 Yen C-class reserved seats from which cars could not be seen due to design error of the seats; ・Two Toyota vehicles started their engines during the singing of the national anthem, which was drowned out by the loud noise of these engines; ・First-aid-stations were closed punctual at 6 p.m. although many visitors were still remaining. We are very angry about the terribly poor operation and strongly oppose the holding of the Japanese Grand Prix at Fuji.I will not purchase any Toyota vehicles as long as the Japanese Grand Prix of F1 will be held at Fuji in the future. In case my relatives or acquaintances are planning to purchase Toyota vehicles, I will strongly recommend them to buy vehicles of other car manufacturers. Signature コメントだと改行できなかったので、適当に改行してください -- 英訳つづき (2007-10-24 10:55:23) - 抗議文の冒頭、少し訂正。Opposition to the holding of the Japanese Grand Prix of F1 at Fuji International Speedway organized by Toyota. -- 英訳ちょっと訂正 (2007-10-25 23:11:29) - Wir sind gegen die Austragung des F1 Grand Prix in Fuji International Speedway.Toyota solle seine Austragungsrechte für F1 dem Suzuka zurückgeben ! -- 独訳 (2007-10-25 23:14:13) - •Wegen Verspätung der Pendelbusse konnten viele Besucher den Austragungsort nicht rechtzeitig erreichen; •Bushaltestellen waren mangelhaft gepflastert; -- 独訳つづき (2007-10-25 23:14:36) - 改行いれてたんで、切れました。つづき。•Viele Besucher mußten 6 Stunden lang im Regen und Nebel auf die Pendelbusse warten, obwohl genügend Busse zur Verfügung stand; •Rettungsmannschaften mußten um Besucher kümmern, die umfielen während sie auf die Pendelbusse warteten; •Es wurden Pendelbusse vorzüglich behandelt, die Toyota-Angestellten und VIPs transportierten; •An den Bushaltestellen wußte Niemand mehr Bescheid, wo die Warteschlange endete, da die Zahl der Sicherheitskräfte nicht genügte, um das Chaos zu bewältigen; •Toyota war zugelassen, ihre Fahnen und Flaggen zu hissen, obwohl es generell verboten war; •Aufgrund des Planungsfehlers konnte man von den 61,000 Yen teueren Plätze der C-Klasse kaum vom Rennen mitbekommen; •Während des Gesangs der Nationalhyme ließen zwei Toyota-Maschinen ihre Motoren hochjagen, so daß die Nationalhymne von dem Lärm der Motoren übertönt wurde;•Unfallstationen wurden pünktlich um 6 Uhr geschlossen, obwohl noch viele Besucher sich am Austragungsort befanden. -- 独訳つづき (2007-10-25 23:15:26) - Wir sind sehr aufgebracht über das mangelhafte Management und sind absolut gegen die Austragung des F1 Grand Prix in Fuji International Speedway.Hiermit bestätige ich, daß ich keine Toyota-Fahrzeuge kaufen werde, solange der F1 Grand Prix in Fuji International Speedway ausgetragen wird. Auch bestätige ich, daß ich meinen Verwandten und Freunden empfehlen werde, Fahrzeuge anderer Hersteller zu kaufen, falls sie den Kauf von Toyota-Fahrzeugen planen. Unterschrift -- 独訳最後 (2007-10-25 23:15:46) - みなさん、翻訳ありがとうございます。ちょっと今忙しいので今週末にまとめてアップさせていただきます。感謝。 -- 管理人 (2007-10-26 00:25:23) - xFOFqtosZSQUWoXuwq -- rrwmylbyn (2010-09-13 20:38:02) #comment -[[抗議分などの倉庫]] -[[英語・仏語に訳した抗議文の倉庫]] #html2(){{{{{{ <!--Infoseek Analyzer start--> <script src="http://js6.infoseek.co.jp/bin/88/25070.js"></script> <noscript><a href="http://ax6.www.infoseek.co.jp/bin/go?2507088" target="_blank"> <img src="http://ax6.www.infoseek.co.jp/bin/logo?2507088" border=0></a></noscript> <!--Infoseek Analyzer end--> }}}}}}




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