About Momone Momo

「About Momone Momo」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

About Momone Momo」(2009/11/21 (土) 15:07:34) の最新版変更点



&bold(){Who is Momone Momo?} Momo is the UTAU character based on the voice bank "MOMONE (桃音)". Voice Bank "MOMONE" Profile -Provided since May 22,2008. -Voiced by Momoko Fujimoto (Japanese) Momo's Oficial Profile -Type: Housemaid & Nanny Robot -Gender: Female -Character: Sincere, obedient and shy -Height: 150cm (4'11" ft) -Character Items: Kitchen tools and cleaning utensils -Date of Birth: May 22 And more features, maybe... -She suddenly exerts extreme power, but the state continues only for five minutes. -She can take off her head. -She can talk with electronics. [[Official Concept art]] .
&bold(){Who is Momone Momo?} Momo is the UTAU character based on the voice bank "MOMONE (桃音)". Voice Bank "MOMONE" Profile -Provided since May 22,2008. -Voiced by Momoko Fujimoto (Japanese) Momo's Oficial Profile -Type: Housemaid & Nanny Robot -Gender: Female -Character: Sincere, obedient and shy -Height: 150cm (4'11" ft) -Character Items: Kitchen tools and cleaning utensils -Date of Birth: May 22 And more features, maybe... -She suddenly exerts extreme power, but the state continues only for five minutes. -She can take off her head. -She can talk with electronics. Look also:&bold(){[[Official Concept art]]} .




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