FX 実績

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FX 実績」(2010/11/09 (火) 09:41:31) の最新版変更点



[[XBOX360 実績解除スレまとめ Pinball FX>http://www12.atwiki.jp/xbox360score/pages/209.html]] 情報集約のため、解除方法等は上記リンク先に記入よろしくお願いします。 |MIDDLE:Alien Technology|Collect at least five artifacts on the Agents pinball table.&br()Agents台でアーティファクトを5個以上集める|MIDDLE:10| |MIDDLE:Angel|Do a plus Airwalk free trick during any competition on the Extreme pinball table.&br()Extreme台でCompetitionモードのときにAirwalkを余分に集める|MIDDLE:15| |MIDDLE:Multi-tasker|Start any of the multi-ball modes to get this achievement.&br()どれでもいいのでマルチボールを起動|MIDDLE:10| |MIDDLE:Emerald Flasher|You'll have this one after scoring enough to earn your first Extra Ball.&br()エキストラボールをとる|MIDDLE:10| |MIDDLE:First Aid Kit|Complete the Bungee Jumping game on the Extreme pinball table.&br()Extreme台でBungee Jumpingを成功させる(指示がでてから上半分のレーン)|MIDDLE:10| |MIDDLE:Mr. Falcon|Be the best by winning the State Championship on the Extreme pinball table.&br()Extreme台のState Championshipモードで優勝する|MIDDLE:30| |MIDDLE:Speed Demon|Win the Wizard Tournament on the Speed Machine pinball table.&br()Speed Machine台のWizard Tournamentモードで優勝する|MIDDLE:30| |MIDDLE:Platinum Cylinders|Complete the Overheat Hurry Up mode on the Speed Machine pinball table.&br()Speed Machine台のOverheat Hurry Upモードを成功させる|MIDDLE:10| |MIDDLE:Professional|Win the Final Confrontation game mode on the Agents pinball table.&br()Agents台のFinal Confrontationモードで勝利|MIDDLE:30| |MIDDLE:Sweet Ride|Collect at least two tunings on the Speed Machine pinball table.&br()Speed Machine台で2つ以上チューニングを集める|MIDDLE:20| |MIDDLE:Good Luck|Earn 2 Million points on any pinball table.&br()どの台でもいいので200万点獲得|MIDDLE:10| |MIDDLE:Elite Operative|Complete a Hurry Up mode within 20 seconds on the Agents pinball table.&br()Agents台で20秒以内にHurry Upモードをクリア|MIDDLE:15| 無料DLC追加実績 |MIDDLE:Ball Madness Only few would manage this. An experienced pirate you are!&br()マルチボールを発動|MIDDLE:10| 有料DLC |MIDDLE:Monster Hunter You have explored the deepest cellars of Nightmare Mansion.&br()Cellar(地下室)のミニ台で、骸骨をかこむ「H」「I」「T」を点灯させ、骸骨にボールを当てる|MIDDLE:20| |MIDDLE:True Friend Obtain the special award by rotating the spinner 300 times on the Rocky and Bullwinkle table!&br()Rocky and Bullwinkle台にて、スピナーを300回回転させる|MIDDLE:20|

