Soviets Chapter 2: Krasna-45 〜クラスナ-45〜

General Krukov tasks the Commander with intercepting Imperial forces heading towards Moscow. The old satellite launch facility, Krasna-45, must be seized.

SUBTITLE:SFS02_01=*[1:3.6]Very impressive, Commander. Clearly you are quite resourceful.

SUBTITLE:SFS02_02=*[4.7:6.4]Yes, too bad Leningrad was merely a diversion meant to pull our forces from where they were actually needed.

SUBTITLE:SFS02_03=*[11.3:2.7]Maybe next time your efforts will be of more use.

SUBTITLE:SFS02_04=*[14:4.4]General, I've just been notified that the Imperial forces are moving towards Moscow.

SUBTITLE:SFS02_05=*[18.5:4]They are currently nearing our old satellite launch facility at Krasna-45.

SUBTITLE:SFS02_06=*[23.4:4.1]Krasna-45? We might be able to use that facility against them&

SUBTITLE:SFS02_07=*[28.1:4.3]You see commander, while you were hiding behind the barricades in Leningrad,
SUBTITLE:SFS02_08=*[32.4:4]our enemy was thrusting deeply into the motherland's tender nether regions.

SUBTITLE:SFS02_09=*[37.2:3.8]It's time to show some backbone and take the fight to the enemy.

SUBTITLE:SFS02_10=*[41.3:3]Stop them before they get any closer to Moscow!


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