Soviets Chapter 3: Vladivostok 〜ウラジオストック〜

The Soviet naval port at Vladivostok must be liberated from the Empire.

SUBTITLE:SFS03_01=*[3.6:2.1]Another victory, commander!

SUBTITLE:SFS03_02=*[6.1:3.2]I knew my faith in you was not misplaced!


SUBTITLE:SFS03_04=*[13.3:3.1]We have pushed the Empire out of much of the motherland,

SUBTITLE:SFS03_05=*[16.6:2.5]but we will never win this war without our navy.

SUBTITLE:SFS03_06=*[19.5:2.5]We need to recapture our port at Vladivostok.

SUBTITLE:SFS03_07=*[22.3:3.5]Why don't we assign the young commander to that task?

SUBTITLE:SFS03_08=*[25.8:1.8]Don't be ridiculous Cherdenko!

SUBTITLE:SFS03_09=*[27.6:2]The Empire has a massive force there!

SUBTITLE:SFS03_10=*[29.6:2.4]This is not an operation for a novice.

SUBTITLE:SFS03_11=*[32.7:2]We need someone with vast experience.

SUBTITLE:SFS03_12=*[34.7:4]I have full confidence that the commander will be victorious.

SUBTITLE:SFS03_13=*[38.7:1.7]I don't share your confidence.

SUBTITLE:SFS03_14=*[41.2:5.2]I appreciate your points of view, General, but this is not your decision.

SUBTITLE:SFS03_15=*[46.4:3.9]Yes, you have made that...quite clear.

SUBTITLE:SFS03_16=*[56:3.9]Commander, the general was correct about one thing.

SUBTITLE:SFS03_17=*[60.5:3.9]We need our Navy if we are going to win this war.

SUBTITLE:SFS03_18=*[64.7:4.9]Destroy the Imperial forces occupying our port!


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