Red Alert 3 Prologue: The Invasion 〜侵略〜

The Empire of the Rising Sun begins its overwhelming and unexpected assault on the Soviet Union.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_01=*[10.5:1.5]The Premier is gone...

SUBTITLE:SFS00_02=*[12.1:1.8]Yes, the coward has already fled.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_03=*[14.5:2.1]The U.S.S.R. is at death's door, comrade.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_04=*[18:2]Which is why we must hurry.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_05=*[25.6:2.8]Sir, I beg you...please...

SUBTITLE:SFS00_06=*[39.7:2.8]What is this? Some sort of escape route?

SUBTITLE:SFS00_07=*[42.5:0.7]No, sir,

SUBTITLE:SFS00_08=*[43.8:4.5]twelve months ago I was put in charge of a top secret project.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_09=*[49.6:1]What ever it is&
SUBTITLE:SFS00_10=*[51:1.3]it is too late.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_11=*[52.9:2]With respect, General...

SUBTITLE:SFS00_12=*[55.2:1.3]You are wrong.


SUBTITLE:SFS00_14=*[69:1.2]For you see sir,

SUBTITLE:SFS00_15=*[71.1:2.9]time is on our side.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_16=*[82.9:5.3]No... No, no, no it isn't ready! It hasn't been tested! We don't even know if it works!

SUBTITLE:SFS00_17=*[88.5:1.1]If what works?

SUBTITLE:SFS00_18=*[90.1:2.6]My... time machine.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_19=*[96.5:2.2]Prepare these coordinates.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_20=*[98.8:2.4]No... Please... Please...


SUBTITLE:SFS00_22=*[103.9:2.5]Sir... No! No...

SUBTITLE:SFS00_23=*[107.2:2.3]No, please. No.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_24=*[113.7:1.1]No. Please (mumble)-

SUBTITLE:SFS00_25=*[114.8:0.7]Get in!

SUBTITLE:SFS00_26=*[115.5:0.8](Mumbling) All right

SUBTITLE:SFS00_27=*[120.5:1.3]You can not be serious?

SUBTITLE:SFS00_28=*[122.3:1.5]Come Comrade General!

SUBTITLE:SFS00_29=*[124.2:2.7]A new world order awaits&


SUBTITLE:SFS00_31=*[165.8:1.3]No, no! Touch nothing!
[ゼリンスキー]ああ、だめだめ! 何にも触れないで!

SUBTITLE:SFS00_32=*[167.2:3.8]We mustn't do anything to disrupt space time continuum...

SUBTITLE:SFS00_33=*[172.4:0.9]Where are we?

SUBTITLE:SFS00_34=*[173.4:3.5]Brussels. 1927.
[チェルデンコ]ブリュッセル。 1927年のだが。


SUBTITLE:SFS00_36=*[178.3:3]The Solvay International Physics Conference.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_37=*[183.3:1.8]Is that Einstein?

SUBTITLE:SFS00_38=*[185.1:1]Yes, doctor,

SUBTITLE:SFS00_39=*[186.6:5]the man most responsible for our enemy's technological superiority.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_40=*[192.5:1.5]The man who made them...

SUBTITLE:SFS00_42=*[196.7:1.7]What do you plan to do?




SUBTITLE:SFS00_46=*[220.9:1.7]I do not understand.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_47=*[224:4.5]We have altered the past and changed the present.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_48=*[231.4:4.9]Ah, good to see you, sir. I have the reports from the front that you requested.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_49=*[236.8:2.3]Thank you. What do you have for me?

SUBTITLE:SFS00_50=*[239.1:3.5]I'm sorry Comrade General, I meant Premier Cherdenko.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_51=*[245.6:4.3]Sir, the Allies are on the run. Soon Western Europe will be ours!

SUBTITLE:SFS00_52=*[250.2:1.5]Do you hear that General?

SUBTITLE:SFS00_53=*[252.2:2.6]Our enemies have been defeated!

SUBTITLE:SFS00_54=*[254.9:3.5]Hold on, sir, I'm receiving an emergency transmission from our Northern base.


SUBTITLE:SFS00_56=*[264:0.8]Who is attacking?

SUBTITLE:SFS00_57=*[267.7:3.6]The Imperial war machine has been unleashed.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_58=*[271.6:4.3]Do not struggle against what is inevitable.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_59=*[276.1:7.6]All who stand in the way of our divine destiny will be swept away by the march of history.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_60=*[284.5:5.5]You will bow before us or you will cease to exist.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_61=*[291.8:4]Sir, it appears that the Empire has mounted a full scale assault!

SUBTITLE:SFS00_62=*[296.8:0.9]What Empire?

SUBTITLE:SFS00_63=*[297.8:2.3]The Empire of the Rising Sun, of course.

SUBTITLE:SFS00_64=*[300.9:2.7]We now have two mortal enemies?!

SUBTITLE:SFS00_65=*[303.7:3.5]We must unleash our nuclear weapons! Annihilate them all!

SUBTITLE:SFS00_66=*[307.8:1.7]Excuse me, General?

SUBTITLE:SFS00_67=*[312:2]Our nuclear weapons? Our atomic bombs!

SUBTITLE:SFS00_68=*[314:1]Oh don't you understand?!

SUBTITLE:SFS00_69=*[315:5.5]Without Einstein, there is no nuclear weapons because we have altered the space time continuum!

SUBTITLE:SFS00_70=*[321.2:3.7]Who knows what nightmares we have created...


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