Allies Chapter 9: Leningrad ~レニングラード~

MOVIE:AFS09_DESC=At last, it is time to overthrow the Soviet leaders holed up in Leningrad.

SUBTITLE:AFS09_01=*[1.9:2.8]You caught them by the short and curlies, commander.

SUBTITLE:AFS09_02=*[5.1:1.4]They didn't know what hit them.

SUBTITLE:AFS09_03=*[7.6:2.8]Well, It looks like everything Zelinsky said was true.

SUBTITLE:AFS09_04=*[11.1:1.8]I can hardly believe it myself.

SUBTITLE:AFS09_05=*[13.3:3.7]Those treacherous Russians are to blame for everything that has happened in this war.

SUBTITLE:AFS09_06=*[17.8:2]The only thing that matters now
SUBTITLE:AFS09_07=*[20.1:3.8]is the complete and utter destruction of the Soviet Union.

SUBTITLE:AFS09_08=*[25:5.4]Cherdenko and Krukov have concentrated all their forces in the one place they believe is impregnable.

SUBTITLE:AFS09_09=*[30.9:2.1]The Peter and Paul Fortress in Leningrad.

SUBTITLE:AFS09_10=*[34.3:1.6]Bring it down, commander!

SUBTITLE:AFS09_11=*[36.3:2.9]Make them pay for their lies and betrayal!


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