

ヒーロー」(2012/11/07 (水) 12:51:10) の最新版変更点



    女ヒーローだとIPから親切にしてもらえるよ^^ #image(http://www42.atwiki.jp/vipdeatlantica/?cmd=upload&act=open&page=ヒーロー&file=uporg1314857.jpg) 【キャラ性能】 我らがヒーロー、僕らの主人公、専用装備は主に課金となっておりますお客様^^ 一定レベルで自動昇級する傭兵、課金アイテムで武器の変更が可能なので気に入った武器選べks 対人で上位入り目指すなら遠距離か杖選んどけ、今なら剣も熱い ヒーロー同士のコンボスキル有り、しかし3PT必須で完全ロマン、威力もUNK 同武器傭兵のスキルを一つ習得可能になった 対人考えてる奴はヒーロー吟味しろよ 以下未実装の130以降の追加スキル 誰か暇人訳せよ  ↑訳した物を各種ページに貼り付けた、ご覧あれ <SwordM> 130 (Offense) - Add 1500 damage 130 (Defense) - Add 14000 HP 130 (Support) - Add 10 magic lvl 140 (Offense) - Improve Flame Sword damage by 500% and add 50% flame resistance 140 (Defnese) - Reduce incoming physical damage by 20% 140 (Support) - Give 50% chance to reduce incoming melee damage by 50% 150 (Offense) - Improve Chaos Ede damage by 300% and add 50% flame resistance 150 (Defense) - Reduce the physical damage inflicted upon Mercenaries by 20% if SwordM is hit by the attack. 150 (Support) - Give 50% chance to reduce incoming range damage by 50% 160 (Offense) - Improve Deadly Strike damage by 1000% and add 50% flame resistance 160 (Defense) - Reduce incoming magic damage by 20% 160 (Support) - Give 50% chance to reduce incoming magic damage by 50% <SpearM> 130 (Offense) - Add 1750 damage 130 (Defense) - Add 12000 HP 130 (Support) - Add 10 magic level 140 (Offense) - Improve damage inflicted to secondary target to 100%. 150% bonus against boss. 140 (Defense) - When hit by physical attack, return 2500 lightning damage and -50 AP/Movement -4 debuff. Improve lightning resistance by 50% 140 (Support) - Improve main specialization bonus of Critcial/Accuracy/Multi-Hit to 20 150 (Offense) - Improve Critical damage to 250% 150 (Defense) - When hit by magical attack, return 2500 lightning damage and -50 AP/Movement -4 debuff. Improve lightning resistance by 50% 150 (Support) - Add 1500 Strength 160 (Offense) - Improve damage when hitting multiple times (125% for 2, 150% for 3, 175% for 4) 160 (Defense) - Give 50% chance to return 100% of the damage received to melee attacker with lightning damage 160 (Support) - Ignore enemy defense based on your strength, and add bonus damage to your attack <AxeM> 130 (Offense) - Add 2000 damage 130 (Defense) - Add 16000 HP 130 (Support) - Add 10 magic lvl 140 (Offense) -Improve Freezing Axe by 200% (damage/mdef, not duration), and prevent the targets from changing position. Add 50% ice resistance 140 (Defense) - Add 750 Vitality 140 (Support) - Add 30 AP / 2 Movement per turn. 150 (Offense) - Add 25% of your physical damage to bonus Ice damage and add 50% ice resistance 150 (Defense) - Warrior's Rage activate at 100%, and restore 1000 HP every turn 150 (Support) - Give 100% chance to remove Guard and/or any other buff that improve defense when you attack. 160 (Offense) - Up on hitting Critical on target, give 25% chance to cast single-target Freezing Axe on the target. 160 (Defense) - Improve healing from magic/pots by 300% 160 (Support) - Give 100% chance to remove any healing buff targets have when you attack. <BowM> 130 (Offense) - Add 1500 damage 130 (Defense) - Add 9000 HP 130 (Support) - Add 10 magic level 140 (Offense) - Improve minimum physical damage by 15% 140 (Defense) - Give 15% chance to dodge melee attacks 140 (Support) - Give 50% chance to activate Flame Arrow, causing Vitality -300 and -50% fire resistance 150 (Offense) - Improve damage bonus gained from magic to 150% 150 (Defense) - Give 15% chance to dodge range attacks 150 (Support) - Give 50% chance to activate Ice Arrow, causing MDEF -300 and -50% ice resistance 160 (Offense) - Add 10% of your missing HP to your attack 160 (Defense) - Give 15% chance to dodge magic attacks 160 (Support) - Give 50% chance to activate Lightning Arrow, causing AP- 50/Movement -2 and -50% lightning resistance <GunM> 130 (Offense) - Add 1200 damage 130 (Defense) - Add 11000 damage 130 (Support) - Add 10 magic level 140 (Offense) - Up on Critical, increase damage inflicted on secondary targets in 2/3rd column by 200%. 200% bonus against boss 140 (Defense) - When getting hit by Critical, only receive 100% damage. 140 (Support) - Add 20% chance to Critical on guarded targets and improve Critical chance by 20% 150 (Offense) - Up on Critical, increase the damage of Ammo equipped by 400% and ignore armor. Ammo effect extended to entire column 150 (Defense) - Dodge Summon/Machine's attack 100% of the time, and add 300% damage against them 150 (Support) - Based on how many times target got hit so far, improve chance to Critical on targets (stacks up to 10 times) 160 (Offense) - Up on Critical, increase the damage to the primary target to 250%. 150% bonus against boss 160 (Defense) - Lower the chance to Critical to 0% for targets hit by GunM 160 (Support) - Up on Critical, give 25% chance for GunM to regain the turn and take action again <CannonM> 130 (Offense) - Add 800 damage 130 (Defense) - Add 10000 HP 130 (Support) - Add 10 magic level 140 (Offense) - Based on how many times target got hit so far, add bonus damage on targets (stacks up to 10 times) 140 (Defense) - Lower the chance to activate any proc % magic to 0% for targets hit by CannonM 140 (Support) - Give 50% chance to activate Poison Cannon, reducing targets' healing by 50%. Add 50% bonus against building. 150 (Offense) - Improve damage dealt to primary target to 150% 150 (Defense) - Make all -Accuracy/-Multi-Hit/-Critical debuff to be 0% effective on CannonM 150 (Support) - Give 50% chance to activate Smoke Cannon, lowering targets' Accuracy by 25%. Add 50% bonus against building 160 (Offense) - Improve damage dealt to secondary targets to 100% 160 (Defense) - Increase damage dealt to targets who attacked CannonM in the previous turn by 200% 160 (Support) - Give 50% chance to activate Deep Insight Cannon, lowerin targets' Defense by 5000. Add 50% bonus against building. <StaffM> 130 (Offense) - Add 1000 damage 130 (Defense) - Add 8000 HP 130 (Support) - Add 10 magic level 140 (Offense) - Improve magic damage to 150% 140 (Defense) - Improve HP/MP healing from magic to 200% 140 (Support) - Improved bonus gained from magic to 150% 150 (Offense) - Add 1000 Intelligence 150 (Defense) - Reduce effectiveness of enemy debuff to 50%, while increasing effectiveness of buff by 100% 150 (Support) - Up on getting hit by physical attack, increase any chance of proc magic by 200% 160 (Offense) - Give 25% chance for all magic to be 150% effective 160 (Defense) - Give 25% chance to regain turn after casting magic, and restore +1 magic cool down. 160 (Support) - Give 25% chance to restore +4 magic cool down after casting magic. <MusicM> 130 (Offense) - Add 1000 damage 130 (Defense) - Add 11000 HP 130 (Support) - Add 10 magic lvl 140 (Offense) - Add 50% chance for characters under Requiem to not restore magic cool down, and improve Requiem damage by 200% 140 (Defense) - Give 100% resistance to any kind of stun/freezing effect. 140 (Support) - Improve bonus from Main specialization of MDEF to 200. 150 (Offense) - When attacking, absorb portion of their MP and add it to yours. If your MP is full, you will absorb it to HP instead. 150 (Defense) - Give 100% resistance to Silence/Physical damage seal. 150 (Support) - Improve Ravaging Melody by 200% and heal MusicM and nearby Mercenaries by 50% of the damage dealt to the targets. 160 (Offense) - When attacking, enemy will receive all the damage from the debuff they currently have one more time (only the damage part is done x 2). 160 (Defense) - Give 100% resistance to debuffs that reduce Defense and MDEF. 160 (Support) - Give 50% chance to restore 2 magic cool down instead of 1 every turn. <SawM> 130 (Offense) - Add 1600 damage 130 (Defense) - Add 13000 HP 130 (Support) - Add 10 magic lvl 140 (Offense) - Destructive Instinct activate at 100% HP, and you restore 10% of the damage dealt to HP 140 (Defense) - Up on verge of death, Mana will act as your HP instead to prevent you from dying until your mana runs out. 140 (Support) - Give 50% chance to hit 2 times when you only hit 1 time 150 (Offense) - Improve Chainsaw Blade and SawM will regain the turn 100% of the time if he kills any enemy with it. 150 (Defense) - Give 50% chance to ignore physical combo attack combo counter 150 (Support) - Based on how many times target got hit so far, improve chance to Multi-Hit on targets (stacks up to 10 times) 160 (Offense) - Improve Storm Blast damage by 200%, and restore amount of damage dealt to HP 160 (Defense) - Whenver nearby Ally/Mercenaries die, SawM regains 15% HP/MP. 160 (Support) - Improve chance to Multi-Hit based on amount of your remaining HP.
    女ヒーローだとIPから親切にしてもらえるよ^^ #image(http://www42.atwiki.jp/vipdeatlantica/?cmd=upload&act=open&page=ヒーロー&file=uporg1314857.jpg) 【キャラ性能】 我らがヒーロー、僕らの主人公、専用装備は主に課金となっておりますお客様^^ 一定レベルで自動昇級する傭兵、課金アイテムで武器の変更が可能なので気に入った武器選べks 対人で上位入り目指すなら槍選んどけ、間違い無い ヒーロー同士のコンボスキル有り、しかし3PT必須で完全ロマン、威力もUNK 同武器傭兵のスキルを一つ習得可能になった 対人考えてる奴はヒーロー吟味しろよ




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