English Top

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English Top」(2009/03/03 (火) 23:46:23) の最新版変更点



*GT and his jolly friends *Main Characters **Giant Toaster (GT) - Name: Roger Jung. - Sex: Male. - Ethnicity: 75% Korean, 25% black (self-confessed). - Age: 24 (or 20). - From: California. - School: UCLA. Major: Education. Dropped out in junior year. Currently unemployed. - Portrait: http://www.vipper.org/vip970633.jpg (bottom right). - Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/waw423 http://www.myspace.com/rogerjung - Yahoo! live: http://live.yahoo.com/GiantToaster - Plays catcher in a sandlot. A Dodgers fan. - Loves Korean games (e.g. MapleStory) and hates Japanese consoles (e.g. PlayStation) and pretty much every other product from Japan. - Fat and ugly. - Shows strong hatred of Japan and the Japanese people. Loves to use racial slurs to insult Japanese members such as "Jap." - Dumped on the national flag of Japan and flushed it down the toilet, thereby angering the entire Japanese population from 2ch. (See http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=unmm2eCYraM http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm5098717 ). - Threatened to rape neo-visualism, thereby further angering the devote Japanese followers of neo-visualism from 2ch. - His uncle divorced an aunt of neo-visualism, but GT himself is not related to neo-visulism by blood. - Has a heavy-smoking golfer father soon to be dead of heart disease. - Constantly harrasing and vandalizing the Yahoo! Live channels of people whom he doesn't like, most notably neo-visualism's, by various dirty means. - Thinks Yahoo! Live is his property. - kichigai **itumoari - Sex: Male. - Ethnicity: Zainichi Korean. - Age: N/A. - From: Japan. - Yahoo! Live: http://live.yahoo.com/itumoari - Loves to police the chat room of Krys. - Leaks false information on 2ch to Krys and her fellow haters. - Quite a creep. - An opportunist (a bat). - Undereducated. - kichigai **DianaFTW - Sex: Female. - Ethnicity: Korean. - Age: N/A. - From: U.S. - Yahoo! live: http://live.yahoo.com/DianaFTW - Yet another Japan-hating Korean gook whore. Hate-mongering. - Note: Gook. Noun. A nice term used to describe the Korean people. The history behind it is that during the Korean war, an American approached a Korean. The Korean did not understand the American, instead he pointed at him and called out "Mi Gook" which means "America" in Korean. The American then mistook the Korean and thought the Korean was referring to himself as a "gook." After the Korean War, American started to refer to Koreans as gooks. There are some other stories about where the word "gook" came from such as korean foods or HanGOOK. - Semi-retarded. Can't tell if completely retarded or not because all the Korean gooks look like they have down's syndrome. - Anti-Japan, anti-Japanese Culture. - An important sidekick of GT. - Currently the most hated Korean whore on Yahoo! Live. - Many girls can get away with shit they pull on Yahoo! Live because they are kawaii. Unfortunately this bitch is too ugly for that (in a pre-plastic-surgery Korean way). - kichigai **Krys - Sex: Female. - Ethnicity: Half-Vietnamese, half-Chinese. - Age: 18 (?). - From: New Orleans. - School: Tulane University. Major: medicine (?). - Yahoo! Live: http://live.yahoo.com/Krysthelina - Loves video games (FF, FPS, MMO, etc.). - Supports and loves GT unconditionally. - Hates and attacks neo-visualism furiously with GT. - Horrible and cunning personality. Duplicitous. - Lost all of her Japanese followers as a result of this incident. - Loves to expose on Yahoo! Live. - Keeps contact with shin and itumoari by email. - Has been angered by a pic of her on this Wiki's top page. - kichigai **thumbelina - Sex: Female. - Ethnicity: Half-Korean. - Age: N/A. - From: Alaska. - Yahoo! Live: http://live.yahoo.com/thumbelina - Loves to burn the Japanese flag - Behind-the-scenes string-puller of this whole mess according to some. - Occasionally comes to 2ch. Seems to be viewing this wiki also. - Accounts: http://live.yahoo.com/thumbelina (main), http://live.yahoo.com/indiansummer (2nd), http://live.yahoo.com/rasputin (3rd) - kichigai - High on shroom. **victicious - Sex: Male. - Ethnicity: Caucasian. - Age: N/A. - From: U.S. - Yahoo! Live: http://live.yahoo.com/victicious - A white nerdy-looking looser. - Obviously never got laid. - A racist who strongly hates the Japanese. - kichigai **WTFBBQQ - Sex: Male. - Ethnicity: Caucasian. - Age: N/A. - From: U.S. - Yahoo! Live: http://live.yahoo.com/WTFBBQQ - The U.S. version of itumoari. - Hates Japan and loves to use the racial slur "Japan." - A chicken who ran away from rosso's room. - Amazing idiot. - kichigai **wutlulz - Sex: Female. - Ethnicity: Korean. - Age: N/A. - From: U.S. - Yahoo! Live: http://live.yahoo.com/wutlulz - A typical flat square-faced Korean gook bitch. - Spying on behalf of GT. - kichigai **shin_is_forever - Sex: Male, bisexual (self-confessed). - Ethnicity: Japanese. - From: Japan. - Yahoo! Live: http://live.yahoo.com/shin_is_forever - kichigai ---- **Comments - test -- test (2008-10-31 22:36:00) - 2ch is always WINWINWIN. -- lol (2008-11-05 01:13:41) #comment()




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