I. A Dungeon is a Maze
I. A土牢は、迷宮です
First of all, it is helpful to think of any dungeon as simply a maze?a collection of corridors that turn every which way. The first part of generating any dungeon, then, is to create a random maze.

Now, there are lots of different ways to generate mazes (for some idea of how many different types of mazes and algorithms there are, check out the Maze Algorithms page at Think Labyrinth). For the dungeon generator, I just picked a straightforward algorithm that I'm pretty familiar with?it's a variation on the "Hunt-and-Kill" algorithm. The algorithm creates a 2D, normal, orthoganol, perfect maze, which simply means that the maze is rectangular, with all passages intersecting at right angles, and that there are no loops or inaccessible areas in the maze.

Here's how the algorithm I picked works. Feel free to substitute this one with any other algorithm.

Start with a rectangular grid, x units wide and y units tall. Mark each cell in the grid unvisited.
Pick a random cell in the grid and mark it visited. This is the current cell.
From the current cell, pick a random direction (north, south, east, or west). If (1) there is no cell adjacent to the current cell in that direction, or (2) if the adjacent cell in that direction has been visited, then that direction is invalid, and you must pick a different random direction. If all directions are invalid, pick a different random visited cell in the grid and start this step over again.
Let's call the cell in the chosen direction C. Create a corridor between the current cell and C, and then make C the current cell. Mark C visited.
選ばれている方向C. Createでセルを呼びましょう現在のセルとCとの間の廊下、そしてその時Cを現在のセルにして下さい。マークCは訪れました。
Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all cells in the grid have been visited.
Once that process finishes, you'll have your maze! There are a few variations you can do to make the maze more interesting; for example, my dungeon generator has a parameter called "randomness". This is a percentage value (0?100) that determines how often the direction of a corridor changes. If the value of randomness is 0, the corridors go straight until they run into a wall or another corridor?you wind up with a maze with lots of long, straight halls. If the randomness is 100, you get the algorithm given above?corridors that twist and turn unpredictably from cell to cell.

II. Mazes vs. Dungeons
It is important to note that the algorithm given above results in no loops in the maze. It is also important to note that the algorithm results in a dense maze?that is, every cell contains a corridor.

This "pure" maze is probably not what you had in mind when you asked for a dungeon. For example, sometimes a dungeon passage intersects with another passage, or with itself, forming a loop. Also, an underground dungeon may cover a lot of territory, but not fill every square meter of rock?it is probably sparse, as opposed to dense.

There are two steps I used to convert the maze into something more like a dungeon (though still lacking rooms).

The first step involves a parameter I called sparseness. It is an integer value; you may want to experiment with it to arrive at a value (or set of values) that work best for you. It is used as follows:
第一歩は、まばらと呼ばれるパラメーターIを含みます。 それは整数値です;あなたのために最も最高に働く値(あるいは値のセット)に到着するために、それで実験したくてもよいです。以下のように、それは使われます:

Look at every cell in the maze grid. If the given cell contains a corridor that exits the cell in only one direction (in otherwords, if the cell is the end of a dead-end hallway), "erase" that cell by removing the corridor.
迷宮格子のすべてのセルで見えて下さい。与えられたセルが終了する廊下を含むかたった1(人)方向のセル( otherwordsで、セルが行き止まり玄関の終り(端)か)、廊下をリムーブすることによってそのセルを「消して下さい」。
Repeat step #1 sparseness times (ie, if sparseness is 5, repeat step #1 five times).
リピート、ステップ#1まばら時間( ieがもしまばらが5なら、ステップ#1を繰り返します5回)。
After sparsifying the maze, you should wind up with large "blank" gaps, where no passages go. The maze, however, is still perfect, meaning that it has no loops, and that no corridor is inaccessible from any other corridor.

The next step is to remove dead-ends by adding loops to the maze. The "deadends removed" parameter of my generator is a percentage value that represents the chance a given dead-end in the maze has of being removed. It is used as follows:
次のステップは、迷宮にループを加えることによって行き止まりをリムーブするはず(こと,予定)です。 私のジェネレータの「リムーブされたdeadends」パラメーターが迷宮で行き止まりな既知の事実が持っているチャンスを表すパーセンテージ値です、存在はリムーブしました。以下のように、それは使われます:

Look at every cell in the maze grid. If the given cell is a dead-end cell (meaning that a corridor enters but does not exit the cell), it is a candidate for "dead-end removal."
Roll d% (ie, pick a number between 1 and 100, inclusive). If the result is less than or equal to the "deadends removed" parameter, this deadend should be removed. Otherwise, proceed to the next candidate cell.
d %を転がします( ie、1から100番を選んで下さい、包括的です)。もし結果は(それよりも)より小さくあります、または、「リムーブされたdeadends」パラメーター、このdeadendへのイコールがリムーブされるべきなら。さもなければ、次の立候補者の細胞に進んで下さい。
Remove the dead-end by performing step #3 of the maze generation algorithm, above, except that a cell is not considered invalid if it has been visited. Stop when you intersect an existing corridor.
So, now you have something looking more like a dungeon. All it lacks, now, are rooms…

III. Room Generation and Placement
This was perhaps the trickiest step. Looking at my generator, you'll see three parameters: "room count" (Rn), "room width", (Rw), and "room height" (Rh).
これは、たぶん最も一筋縄にはいかないステップでした。私のジェネレータを見て、あなたは3つのパラメーターを見るでしょう:「空間カウント」( Rn )、「空間幅」、( Rw )、そして「空間高さ」( Rh )。

Generating rooms is actually easy: Rw is just a random number between the minimum and maximum widths. Rh is generated similarly.

Placing the rooms was trickier. The idea is to find a place in the maze where the given room overlaps a minimum of corridors and other rooms, but where the room touches a corridor in at least on place. To this end, I implemented a weighting system.

The program tries to put the room at every possible place in the dungeon. The algorithm works as follows:

Set the "best" score to infinity (or some arbitrarily huge number).
Generate a room such that Wmin <= Rw <= Wmax and Hmin <= Rh <= Hmax.
空間を発生させますようにWmin <= Rw <= Wmax、およびHmin <= Rh <= Hmax。
For each cell C in the dungeon, do the following:
Put the upper-left corner of the room at C. Set the "current" score to 0.
For each cell of the room that is adjacent to a corridor, add 1 to the current score.
For each cell of the room that overlaps a corridor, add 3 to the current score.
For each cell of the room that overlaps a room, add 100 to the current score.
If the current score is less than the best score, set the best score to the current score and note C as the best position seen yet.
Place the room at the best position (where the best score was found).
For every place where the room is adjacent to a corridor or a room, add a door. (If you don't want doors everywhere, add another parameter that determines when a door should be placed, and when an empty doorway [ie, archway, etc.] should be placed).
空間が廊下、あるいは空間に隣接するすべての場所のために、ドアを加えて下さい。(もしあなたがどこでもドアが欲しくなければ、いつドアが置かれるべきか、およびいつ空っぽの出入り口[ ie、アーチの下の通路、etcです。]が置かれるべきかを決定するもう一つのパラメーターを加えて下さい)。
Repeat steps 2 through 6 until all rooms have been placed.
IV. Populating the Dungeon
I won't go into any great detail here, since I took the algorithms for this part straight from the Dungeon Master's Guide. The idea is simply to put something in each room of the dungeon: hidden treasure, a monster, some description, etc. At this stage, you also determine whether any given door is secret or concealed, and also what the door's properties are (wooden, locked, trapped, etc, etc.). Random tables work quite well to determine all of this.

V. Finis
And that, as they say, is the proverbial that. All that remains is to display the dungeon, and that has nothing to do with dungeon generation algorithms. :)

Feel free to download the source code for my dungeon generator?that's where you'll find the real technical explanation. The sources are a bastardized mix of C and C++, but fairly readable for all of that. The "jbmaze.cpp" file contains the maze generation algorithms, and the "jbdungeon.cpp" file contains the dungeon generation stuff. The "jbdungeondata.cpp" file populates the dungeon.


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