Soviets Chapter 1: Leningrad 〜レニングラード〜

Premier Cherdenko recruits the new Commander and assigns him to defend Leningrad against the invading Empire of the Rising Sun.

SUBTITLE:SFS01_01=*[9.9:1.6]Ah, Commander!

SUBTITLE:SFS01_02=*[12.1:4.3]As you can see, our situation is shockingly grim.

SUBTITLE:SFS01_03=*[17.1:4.9]All our divisions are concentrated in Europe, pushing the Allies west.

SUBTITLE:SFS01_04=*[23:5]This "Empire" knows very well that we're vulnerable right now.

SUBTITLE:SFS01_05=*[28.3:3]They will be expecting us to fall swiftly.

SUBTITLE:SFS01_06=*[32:6]At this very moment, their invasion force moves relentlessly towards Leningrad.

SUBTITLE:SFS01_07=*[38.6:5.8]I have chosen you to defend the U.S.S.R. in this difficult hour,

SUBTITLE:SFS01_08=*[44.4:4.1]because I need a commander who does not believe in defeat!

SUBTITLE:SFS01_09=*[49.1:6.4]Someone who will not simply drive our enemies back, but ultimately annihilate them,
SUBTITLE:SFS01_10=*[55.8:1.4]humiliate them,
SUBTITLE:SFS01_11=*[57.2:2.8]and show them no mercy!

SUBTITLE:SFS01_12=*[65:4.9]General Krukov! Would you like to meet our new commander?

SUBTITLE:SFS01_13=*[70.2:1.1]New commander?

SUBTITLE:SFS01_14=*[71.3:4.5]Yes! We're sending him to protect Leningrad.

SUBTITLE:SFS01_15=*[75.8:3.4]Even though I told you it was foolhardy to try and defend that city?

SUBTITLE:SFS01_16=*[80.1:5.4]If Leningrad falls, the Soviet people will begin to lose hope.

SUBTITLE:SFS01_17=*[85.9:3]Yes, well, I wish him luck then!

SUBTITLE:SFS01_18=*[89.3:4.3]The Empire's technology is highly-advanced and he will likely be vastly out-numbered.

SUBTITLE:SFS01_19=*[93.7:4.8]But of course, it is an honor to sacrifice one's life for the motherland, is it not?


SUBTITLE:SFS01_21=*[100.5:2.9]Now if you'll excuse me, I have a nation to defend!

SUBTITLE:SFS01_22=*[104.7:6.4]Comrade Dasha will be your information officer and will coordinate all our communication.

SUBTITLE:SFS01_23=*[111.3:5.8]Thank you, your excellency. Commander, the armies of the Empire are closing in as we speak.

SUBTITLE:SFS01_24=*[118.6:1.5]Make haste, commander.

SUBTITLE:SFS01_25=*[121.3:2.8]Time is of the essence!


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