Soviets Chapter 6: Iceland 〜アイスランド〜

The Premier, having survived an attempt on his life, orders the Commander to assault the Allies' strategic airbase in Iceland. This is their last foothold in Europe.

SUBTITLE:SFS06_01=*[5.2:1.9]My grandfather was a Cossack &

SUBTITLE:SFS06_02=*[7.8:3.8]and we Cossacks are not so easy to kill!

SUBTITLE:SFS06_03=*[12.6:2.3]Glad to see you up and around, sir!

SUBTITLE:SFS06_04=*[15.3:1.4]Thank you, Dasha.

SUBTITLE:SFS06_05=*[17.7:2]It is good to be alive!

SUBTITLE:SFS06_06=*[21.3:4.1]I was just about to congratulate the commander on his last operation.

SUBTITLE:SFS06_07=*[25.6:6.5]The crisis has been averted and the advanced weapons technology is in our far more capable hands.

SUBTITLE:SFS06_08=*[32.5:1.9]I know you're in need of rest, sir,

SUBTITLE:SFS06_09=*[34.5:5.3]but I thought you should know, that the Allies' European forces have retreated north to their airbase in Iceland.

SUBTITLE:SFS06_10=*[40.5:1.1]Thank you, Dasha.

SUBTITLE:SFS06_11=*[43.4:3.1]It's finally time to clear Europe of the Allied threat.

SUBTITLE:SFS06_12=*[46.9:3.5]They will be defending this base with everything they have.

SUBTITLE:SFS06_13=*[50.8:3.8]I'll send General Krukov again to join you in this battle.

SUBTITLE:SFS06_14=*[54.8:7.5]And while you are mopping up the last of those capitalist pigs, I will root out the enemy within!


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