Allies Chapter 7: Tokyo Harbor 〜トーキョー湾〜

MOVIE:AFS07_DESC=The Empire's Shogunate are assembling in Tokyo. Now is the time to strike.

SUBTITLE:AFS07_01=*[3.6:1.5]Ah, Commander!

SUBTITLE:AFS07_02=*[6.2:1.3]That was a close one.

SUBTITLE:AFS07_03=*[8:2.1]I can assure you, we did the right thing.

SUBTITLE:AFS07_04=*[10.5:3.5]Ackerman put the whole world in danger with that mad stunt.

SUBTITLE:AFS07_05=*[14.3:3.9]And all the while, we're at war with the Empire of the Rising Sun!

SUBTITLE:AFS07_06=*[20.2:5.8]Sir... I just received word from an inside source that the Supreme Shogunate will be meeting in Tokyo tomorrow.

SUBTITLE:AFS07_07=*[26:2.9]So the Empire's generals will all be in one place at one time?

SUBTITLE:AFS07_08=*[28.9:2.5]Yes, sir! We can decapitate them with one stroke.

SUBTITLE:AFS07_09=*[31.5:5.4]Brilliant! We must get on this immediately. I'll contact the Soviets and let them know the good news.

SUBTITLE:AFS07_10=*[37.8:2.3]Commander, this might be it.

SUBTITLE:AFS07_11=*[40.7:5.3]Let's show the Empire of the Rising Sun that their divine destiny of world domination
SUBTITLE:AFS07_12=*[46.5:3]is nothing but an insane fantasy!

SUBTITLE:AFS07_13=*[51:2.2]I'm glad to see you made it back in one piece, commander.

SUBTITLE:AFS07_14=*[53.6:2]Excellent job at Mount Rushmore.

SUBTITLE:AFS07_15=*[55.6:1.5]I trust you're good to go?

SUBTITLE:AFS07_16=*[57.4:2.1]You can flirt with the commander later, lieutenant.

SUBTITLE:AFS07_17=*[59.5:2.1]Right now we have a job to do.

SUBTITLE:AFS07_18=*[63.7:1.3]I wasn't flirting, sir &

SUBTITLE:AFS07_19=*[65.5:1.5]I was just& you know...

SUBTITLE:AFS07_20=*[67.8:1.3]making conversation...


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