Allies Campaign Epilogue ~エピローグ~

MOVIE:AFS10_DESC=Thanks to the Commander's efforts, the Soviet leaders are brought to justice.

SUBTITLE:AFS10_01=*[9.1:3.2]It seems like only days ago that this brilliant new commander
SUBTITLE:AFS10_02=*[12.3:3.1]was called to lead the Allied nations at a desperate hour.

SUBTITLE:AFS10_03=*[15.7:4.2]And now with freedom restored and the Soviet leaders confined to a cryo-prison,

SUBTITLE:AFS10_04=*[20.1:4.5]our hero may finally find a little time for some rest of his own&

SUBTITLE:AFS10_05=*[27.2:2.1]You didn't forget my invitation, did you, commander?

SUBTITLE:AFS10_06=*[29.6:1.7]I was hoping you were free this evening&

SUBTITLE:AFS10_07=*[32.4:3.3]Not bad, huh, Commander? I clean up pretty good.

SUBTITLE:AFS10_08=*[36.1:1.8]How about celebrating over a drink tonight?

SUBTITLE:AFS10_09=*[38.1:2.8]I know this great little pub in Soho.



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