Rising Sun Chapter 1: Vorkuta ~ヴォルクタ~

The day of destiny has arrived. Emperor Yoshiro launches an unprecedented full-scale invasion into the Soviet Union.

SUBTITLE:JFS01_01=*[58:3.7]Today is the day that destiny has promised us.

[61.9:5.9]No longer will we suffer the abasement and the corruption of the foreign barbarians.

[67.8:6.1]For as they battled among themselves, we have resurrected our realm.
creating a new Empire of Rising Sun.

Commander, you are destined to reawaken Bushido, the way of the warrior.

You will be part of a new Shogunate, uniting powerful leaders from all four corners of our Empire.

Toghether we will first attack Soviet Russia and crush not only their armies, but their leaders, their spirit and their hope.

My son, Crown Prince Tatsu, will assist us in this noble endeavor.

Tatsu was instrumental in creating our new army--

SUBTITLE:JFS01_02=*[113.4:1]Thank you, father...

[114.4:3.2]Commander, our Nano-technology is second to none.

SUBTITLE:JFS01_03=*[117.5:6.6]Yes, but we must remember technology alone will not vanquish our enemies.

[124.1:6.9]It will be our courage, our honor, and our self-sacrifice.

SUBTITLE:JFS01_04=*[131.3:5.7]Commander, allow me to introduce to you our chief logistical officer, Miss Suki Toyama.

SUBTITLE:JFS01_05=*[137:1.2]It is an honor.

[138.6:4.2]The Toyama family has served the Emperor for ten generations!

SUBTITLE:JFS01_06=*[143.7:5.8]Yes, my father follows the ways of our ancestors and there is much wisdom in what he says.

[149.7:3.9]But it is a new age, Commander. A new world.[154:3.1]Do what you must to be victorious!


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最終更新:2009年01月09日 14:54